Saving on e-mail
For those of you who have a long e-mail reply to be written, may we suggest
that you prepare the e-mail off-line to cut down on cost.
POP3 Mail Accounts
- Start up Internet Explorer if it is not already running.
- Click on File, Work Offline to go off-line.
- Disconnect from your ISP by right-clicking the Internet Dial-Up Icon in
the System Tray and selecting Disconnect.
- Now compose your e-mail as usual.
- When the e-mail is ready, click on Send.
- Then click on Send & Receive.
The exact steps will vary depending on the actual e-mail program that you are
Web-Based e-mail Accounts
- Disconnect from your ISP by right-clicking the Internet Dial-Up Icon in
the System Tray and selecting Disconnect.
- Start Notepad by clicking on Start, Programs,
Accessories, Notepad.
- Compose the main body of the e-mail message here in Notepad.
- When you have finished, reconnect and log-on to your web-based e-mail
- Choose to compose a new e-mail.
- Return to Notepad and select the whole message by typing CTRL-A.
- Copy it by typing CTRL-C
- Return to the e-mail being prepared.
- Click on the message area (main body text) and type CTRL-V
to paste the message into the e-mail.
- When the e-mail is ready, click on Send.
Thanks for helping to cut down on our expenses.
Created:- 01 July 1999
Last Updated:- 12 Apr 2001
Author:- nkw