Results of 2001 MAB Elections

Here are the results of the 2001 MAB Elections held on 27 June 2001.

The Nomination Form of one of the nominees, Dr. K.  S. Govindan, had a technical error and the candidate was asked to submit a new form duly filled in but he declined. As such, he will not be among the list of candidates for the elections.

On Election Day itself, there were 3 other nominations. Dr. Lim Boon Ping and Dr. Peter Ng accepted their nominations but Dr. Pathmanathan declined his nomination.

Candidate Category Votes Ranking Elected
Datuk Dr. Radha Krishna Sabapathy A 39   Yes
Dato' Dr. Loh Thiam Ghee A 34   Yes
Dr. Ali Azman A 29   Yes
Dr. Abel Arumugam A 21   Yes
Dr. Ahmad Raveendhran B 33 1 Yes
Dr. Fong Chee Kin B 31 2 Yes
Dr. Lim Boon Ping B 30 3 Yes
Dr. Md. Husain Haji Said C 28 4 No
Dr. Peter Ng Eng Pin B 27 5 No

Under the Bylaws of the Medical Staff of SJMC, Section IV, D (4) a minimum of four elected members of the MAB shall be from Category A of the Medical Staff. As there were only 4 Category A members in the candidates list, all of them, regardless of the number of votes garnered, will be automatically elected into the new MAB.

Of the remaining 5 candidates, the 3 with the highest number of votes will make up the remainder of the MAB.

On behalf of the Medical Staff of SJMC, I would like to congratulate the winning candidates on their new appointments.


Posted:- 27 Jun 2001
Author:- nkw