The Medical Staff of Subang Jaya Medical Centre are
organized into the following three classifications of affiliation : Active
Staff; Courtesy Staff; and Honorary Staff. The Active Staff are further
organized as contained herein to represent the Medical Staff in its
relationship with
the Hospital and to provide a framework through which the Medical Staff Members
will interact on matters dealing with the Hospital.
There shall be three (3) classifications of medical staff:
The Active Staff consists of practitioners each of whom
regularly admits patients to or is regularly involved in the care of patients
in the Hospital, who live and practice close enough to the Hospital to provide
continuous care to his/her patients, and assume primary responsibility for the
work of the Medical Staff. Members of the Active Staff shall be further
designated into the following three categories dependent on their degree of
affiliation with SJMC:
Category A |
: |
Exclusive inpatient and outpatient practice at SJMC. |
Category B |
: |
Exclusive inpatient practice at SJMC with external clinic
activities at other facilities. |
Category C |
: |
Practice at SJMC,
with practice rights at other hospitals. |
Members of the Active Staff serve on Medical Staff
committees, are subject to Staff assignments, pay annual medical staff
education fund contribution and attend Medical Staff, department and division
Active Staff members within the context of the Medical Staff
organisation make recommendations to the Governing Board concerning
appointments to the Medical Staff.
Active Staff members develop, administer and recommend
amendments to the Medical Staff rules and regulations and standard operating
Active Staff members hold regular clinic sessions as may be
required by SJMC on the basis that the Hospital will provide patient
consultation in the various common specialty areas of medical practice during
such office hours as may be determined from time to time by SJMC.
Members of the Active Staff utilize SJMC's facilities and
services for any diagnostic, surgical or therapeutic order generated for an
inpatient or through a clinic visit at SJMC.
Active Staff members shall be on call rotation at such time
and for such period as SJMC may decide.
Active Staff members provide health care for the employees
of SJMC at a professional fee rate to be set between the Medical Staff and the
Members of the Courtesy Staff shall be members in good
standing on the Active Medical Staff of a hospital within the area defined as
Wilayah Persekutuan and the Klang Valley who choose to limit their
participation at Subang Jaya Medical Centre.
Members of the Courtesy Staff may admit any number of
patients to this hospital each year. However, continuing membership on the
Courtesy Staff is reviewed yearly, and the review includes an appraisal of the
practitioner's contributions to Subang Jaya Medical Centre and the practitioner's
unique expertise.
Members of the Courtesy Staff shall utilize SJMC's
facilities and services for any diagnostic, surgical or therapeutic order
generated for any patient at SJMC.
Members of the Courtesy Staff shall not be eligible to use
the hospitals outpatient clinic facilities or participate in the hospitals
on-call rosters.
Members of the Courtesy Staff shall pay the annual medical
staff fund contribution and may be required to serve on certain Medical Staff
committees as determined by the Clinical Director. They are encouraged to
attend general Medical Staff, department and division meetings.
Members of the Courtesy Staff who signify their willingness
to advance to Active Staff membership shall be considered.
Except as otherwise stated above members of the Courtesy
Staff must conform to all Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff and
Governing Body as written and amended from time to time.
The Honorary Staff shall consist of practitioners who have
retired from active service with the Hospital, or who are not active in the
Hospital but have made noteworthy contributions to the Hospital; or who, by
reason of outstanding reputation or achievement, are honoured by emeritus
position. These practitioners shall not be required to live or practice in the
hospital's service area.
Members of the Honorary Staff shall not be eligible to pay
dues, or to have any assigned duties on the Medical Staff.
Members of the Honorary Staff may attend patients in the
Hospital or be called for consultation, if their clinical privileges qualify
them for this assignment. However, the responsibility for admitting the patient
and the responsibility for the Medical Record must rest with a practitioner on
the Active or Courtesy Staff of the Hospital.
Clauses 2(a) to 2(c) below shall be exercised in
consultation with the MAB.
Membership on the Medical Staff of the Hospital is a
privilege granted by the Hospital and shall be conditional on initial and
continued compliance with the satisfaction of all qualifications, standards and
requirements set forth in these Bylaws, the prescribed Hospital application
form and Medical Staff Administrative Policies (all of which may from time to
time be amended).
Initial appointments and review of Specialist Medical Staff
shall be made by the Hospital. Every 3 years, Medical Staff members will be
given the opportunity to continue exercising the privileges granted to practise
in the Hospital.
Credentialing of new and/or specialised procedures and
skills will be effected from time to time as the need arises.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these
Bylaws, the Hospital shall have the right, at its discretion, to limit, modify,
suspend and/or revoke any and all Medical Staff membership and clinical
privileges granted in consultation with the MAB.
The medical staff year shall run from 1st July to 30th June
(both dates inclusive).
There shall be four (4) meetings of the Active Staff to be
held in each quarter of the medical staff year ("the Quarterly Meeting of
the Active Staff'). The date, time and place of such Quarterly Meetings shall
be decided by the Chairman of the MAB.
One quarter (1/4) of the total number of members of the
Active Staff shall form the quorum for the Quarterly Meeting of the Active
Each member of the Active Staff are eligible to vote and
shall have one (1) vote if he/she is present in person at the Quarterly Meeting
of the Active Staff.
The Medical Advisory Board ("the MAB") shall
comprise of persons elected from and by members of the Medical Staff and shall
be representative of the views of the Medical Staff. The MAB serves in an
advisory capacity to the management of SJMC and functions as a liaison between
the Medical Staff and the management and owners of SJMC.
Composition of the MAB
The MAB shall be composed of the following:
Seven (7) members duly elected from and by the Active Staff
("the Elected members") which shall include,
One Chairman ) who shall be
referred to as "the
One Vice-Chairman ) Officers of the
MAB" and who shall
One Secretary ) be within
Category A of the Active Staff
Three (3) ex-officio members who shall be as follows -
- the Chief Executive
Officer of SJMC or his designate;
- the Chief Operating
Officer of SJMC or his designate;
- the immediate past Chairman of the MAB (if not
Duties, Responsibilities and Authority of the MAB
The duties, responsibilities and authority of the MAB
shall be as follows:
To make recommendations to the management of SJMC on all
matters concerning -
the qualification and degree of supervision of any medical
practitioner who provides or may provide services in SJMC;
the appointment, re-appointment and non-appointment of any
Medical Staff;
the provision, modification, restriction, suspension and/or
revocation of clinical privileges to any Medical Staff;
clinical discipline assignments of the Medical Staff;
categorisation of the Medical Staff;
credentialing of new and/or specialised procedures and
medico-administration and hospital management pertaining to
patient care.
To provide and promote effective liaison between the Medical
Staff and the management and owners of SJMC.
To receive and act upon reports and recommendations from
medical staff committees, clinical departments/services and staff officers
relating to quality assurance activities or the discharge of their delegated
administrative responsibilities.
To coordinate the policies adopted by and the activities of
the Medical Staff, department/services and relevant committees.
To promote effective Medical Staff peer evaluation and
quality maintenance activity through regular evaluation of the same.
To establish and co-ordinate continuing education programs
for the Medical Staff.
To take all reasonable steps to ensure professional ethical
conduct, competence and clinical performance on the part of all Medical Staff.
To participate in identifying community health needs and
implement programs to meet such needs.
To participate in establishing and achieving the corporate
goals of SJMC.
To agree with SJMC
on matters pertaining to the rates applicable for the provision of medical care
and services to -
employees of SJMC and their immediate families; and
corporate clients.
To participate in
any proposed amendments to the rules and regulations applicable to the Medical
Election of MAB members
Election of the Officers and other members of the MAB shall
be held in the June Quarterly Meeting of the Medical Staff each alternate year
("the election year").
Every member of the Medical Staff who is present in person
at such June Quarterly Meeting of the election year shall have one (1) vote.
Nominations Committee
The MAB shall, at its April meeting of the election year,
appoint a Nominations Committee to coordinate the process for the election of
members of the MAB.
The Nominations Committee shall consist of not less than
three (3) members of the Medical Staff. In addition, the Chief Executive
Officer of SJMC or his designate shall sit on the Nominations Committee in an
ex-officio capacity.
The Chairman of the Nominations Committee shall be appointed
by The Chairman of the MAB.
The guidelines and procedures applicable for the election of
MAB members shall be presented by the Chairman of the Nominations Committee to
the MAB for its review at the MAB's April meeting of the election year.
The Nominations Committee shall present the slate of
nominees to the MAB at its June meeting of the election year. In addition to
the candidates presented by the Nominations Committee, the Medical Staff may
during its June Quarterly Meeting nominate candidates from the floor.
A minimum of four (4) Elected members including the Officers
of the MAB shall be from Category A of the Medical Staff.
Elected members shall serve a two (2) year term. Elected
members shall not, however, serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
The incoming and outgoing members of the MAB shall jointly
attend the July meeting of the MAB immediately following the election. The
outgoing members of the MAB shall, however, only attend in an ex-officio
Meetings & Minutes of the MAB
The MAB shall meet not less than nine (9) times per medical
staff year on a monthly basis.
The minutes of each meeting shall be maintained at the
office of the Chief Executive Officer of SJMC or his designate as a permanent
record of its proceedings, and a summary of the conclusions, recommendations
and actions of the MAB shall be distributed to the Medical Staff not less than
The quorum for any meeting of the MAB shall be five (5)
Elected members.
Notwithstanding the abovesaid requirement for a quorum, the
Officers of the MAB may be called upon in an advisory capacity in cases of
urgency arising outside of the regularly scheduled meeting of the MAB.
Votes of MAB members
Each Elected member shall have one (1) vote. Ex-officio
members shall serve in the MAB without vote. In toe case of an equality of
votes, the Chairman of the MAB shall be entitled to a casting vote.
An Elected member who fails to attend three (3)
consecutive meetings of the MAB shall be removed from the MAB unless he is able
to give a satisfactory explanation to the Chairman of the MAB.
Replacement of Elected members
In the event any vacancy arises for any reason
whatsoever in the composition of the Elected members during the term of office,
the remaining members of the MAB shall conduct a special election at the
Quarterly Meeting of the Medical Staff.
Conflict of Interest
Every Elected member shall be responsible for being
free and for appearing to be free from the influence of any interest which is
or may be in conflict with that of SJMC and the Medical Staff. Every Elected
member shall also deal with third parties (including suppliers, customers,
contractors) without favour or preference to such third parties based on
personal considerations.
Non-Physician Committee members
Non-physician persons participating in any committee
functions shall be selected by the Chief Executive Officer or his designate, in
consultation with the Chairman of the MAB.
Amendments to the Bylaws
Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be tabled for
consideration at any Quarterly Meeting of the Medical Staff and shall be voted
upon by the Medical Staff at the following regularly scheduled Quarterly
Meeting of the Medical Staff.
Any amendment to the Bylaws shall be approved by two-third
(2/3) majority of votes of the Medical Staff who are personally present at the
Quarterly Meeting of the Medical Staff.
The quorum necessary to approve any amendment to the Bylaws
shall be at least one quarter (1/4) of the total number of members of the
Active Staff.
Proposed amendments to the Bylaws which receive approval
from the Medical Staff as outlined herein shall be forwarded to the Hospital
Director for his concurrence before being enacted as approved amendments.
Received 14 Sept 1995
Created:- 22 Feb 2003
Last Updated:- 22 Feb 2003