1. There will be a list of nominees proposed by the Nominations Committee and seconded by the Medical Advisory Board.
2. Members may also send in nominations using the Nomination Forms distributed to them. Additional forms are available from the Medical Staff Secretary.
2.1. All nomination forms must be fully completed with the names of proposers, seconders and nominees duly filled in and countersigned by the 3 relevant members.
2.2. Only members of the Active Medical Staff are eligible to be proposers, seconders and nominees.
2.3. Each member may propose or second no more than a combined total of seven nominations.
2.4. Proposers are personally responsible to ensure that the nominees have agreed to accept the nominations.
2.5. Nomination forms may be handed in at any time up to the time of election but there is no guarantee that the names of nominees handed in after 16:00 h on Wednesday 20 June 2001 will be included in the official ballot-paper. However, this in no way affects their eligibility to stand for elections.
3. Nominations may also be made at the June 2001 Quarterly Medical Staff Meeting itself. In this case, nominees must be personally present to accept the nominations.
Members are reminded of Section IV
Clause J of the Bylaws concerning the role of the MAB which reads,
Conflict of Interest
Every Elected member shall be responsible for being free and for appearing to
be free from the influence of any interest which is or may be in conflict with
that of Subang Jaya Medical Centre and the Medical Staff. Every Elected member
shall also deal with third parties (including suppliers, customers,
contractors) without favour or preference to such third parties based on
personal considerations.
Members who cannot comply with this ruling, should decline their nominations.
The election of the 2001/2003 Medical Advisory Board, Subang Jaya Medical Centre will be held in conjunction with the June 2001 Quarterly Medical Staff Meeting scheduled for 27 June 2001.
1. The quorum required for a valid election will be the same as that for a regular Quarterly Medical Staff Meeting, which is one quarter (1/4) of the total number of members of the Active Staff. On 5 February 2001, there were 123 Active Medical Staff and the required quorum would then be 31. The actual number will depend on the number of Active Staff on Election Day.
2. The number present at the meeting shall be ascertained by counting the number of signatories on the attendance list circulated at the meeting.
3. If a quorum is not obtained at the appointed time, an attempt will be made to call for more members to make up the quorum.
4. If after a 30-minute grace period, a quorum cannot be obtained, the election will be postponed for a period of one week.
5. If at the second meeting, a quorum is not obtained even after the 30-minute grace period, the election will continue without the need for a quorum.
1. Each member of the Active Staff, Categories A, B and C included, personally present at the meeting will be eligible to vote.
2. Each member will have only seven votes.
1. Each member will collect the official ballot-paper when he signs on the attendance list.
2. Voting will be done by marking a cross [X] in the box preceding the candidate’s name on the official ballot-paper.
3. In the case of candidates not listed on the official ballot-paper, the member will have to personally write the name of the candidate of his choice in the extra boxes allocated and mark a cross [X] in the box preceding the name. The names of candidates not voted for by the member need not be written into the ballot-paper. This provision is mainly for candidates who are nominated after the printing of the ballot-papers.
1. After all votes have been collected, the number of valid votes for each candidate will be tallied.
2. Only ballot-papers containing seven or less votes will be considered as valid votes.
3. If the name of a candidate is illegible, that vote will be invalid but that vote will be included in deciding whether there were more than 7 votes on the ballot paper.
4. The four candidates from Category A of the Active Medical Staff with the highest number of valid votes will first be selected to satisfy the requirement for a minimum of 4 members to be from Category A.
5. The remaining three posts will then be selected from the remaining candidates with the three highest valid votes obtained.
In the event of any disputes or disagreements, the decision of the Nominations Committee will be final and binding.
Dr. Ngun Kok Wah.
Nominations Committee,
2001 MAB Elections.